CERN Incident/Welfare Report
Information to be telephoned to 9-1-1 as a second party report: “This is (your name) with the Colorado Emergency Reporting Network reporting an emergency on behalf of (Callers Name). He/She is reporting a (The Incident) at (Location).” Give them as much detail as you can. If possible, contact the caller every 15 min or at an agreed time and note any changes in case you need to call 911 and update the dispatcher of any changes. Press submit at the conclusion of the event.
Use “Cities Listed With Their Counties” document to determine which Country the caller is located. REMAIN ON FREQUENCY WITH CALLER AND ON PHONE WITH 9-1-1 UNTIL 9-1-1 OPERATOR RELEASES YOU. If the caller cannot remain on frequency, agree on a time when you will re-establish contact with the caller to communicate further